tornado in australia what we need to know

Why do we have Tornados?

Australia’s east coast is approaching peak thunderstorm season. This is the time of year, warmer and cooler air masses are colliding, triggering storms that become supercells, generating large hail and even tornadoes.

Think back to the storm that lifted Dorothy from Kansas and carried her away to Oz.

Tornadoes are powerful columns of air stretching from the ground to the clouds. Tornadoes most commonly occur during severe thunderstorms called supercell storms, but they can also form from cyclones.

They require warm, moist air and cool, dry air to combine which in closing can form vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air, commonly known as a Tornado.

Should we expect more?

Australia isn’t normally associated with Tornadoes, but unfortunately, they are becoming a more regular occurrence. Tornadoes can occur on 6 of the 7 continents of the world, with only Antarctica excluded.

There is not enough evidence to show whether Tornadoes will become a more frequent weather event with climate change, but with Spring bringing more thunderstorms this is where we are more likely to see Tornadoes occur.

Will they happen in Queensland?

On 29th November 1992, Queensland experienced two of Australia’s most powerful Tornadoes recorded in Australia. Since then, there have been approximately 12 Tornadoes reported in Queensland all occurring between late September to mid-March.

It is very likely that more Tornadoes have occurred around Queensland but due to low population numbers, these have not been documented.

Does my insurance cover Tornados?

As Tornadoes occur as a result of severe thunderstorms or cyclone conditions the subsequent damage is normally covered under most insurance policies that cover these types of events.

However, as each policy and provider is different, it’s a good idea to check if your policy does provide adequate protection.

Trusted Insurance Solutions for North Queensland

Make sure that you speak with our team to review your policy and ensure that it meets your needs and is the best value for money. 

Drop into our office Townsville or Bowen office to chat about your existing insurance policy!

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