Crop Insurance
We can help safeguard your business through crop insurance, no matter what crop you farm!
- Sugar Cane
- Fruit & Vegetables
- Cotton
- Legumes
- Grain Crops
- Rice
- Oilseeds
- Seasonal cover
We can help safeguard your business through crop insurance, no matter what crop you farm!
Farming is a large part of North Queensland and it’s communities. Many of these communities are reliant up this farming to survive, so protecting farm income through crop insurance is an important step for every farmer.
Depending on the crop, cover may be available for Fire, Hail, Wind, Water or Earthquake.
Cover your crops once harvested and in storage waiting to go to market. Some policies may also cover harvested seeds or hay.
Cover your crops for accidental loss or damage suffered whilst in Transit within Australia.
Some crops may also be covered if contaminated and rejected for sale as a result.
Connected Insurance can assist with all of your Farm and Business Insurance needs.
Allowing you to package all your farm insurance needs into one policy which includes Farm Property, Farm Liability, Farm Motor Insurance, Home and Car Insurance.
Protect all of your farm motor vehicles and equipment against accidental damage, fire, theft etc. This includes tractors, harvesters, earthmoving equipment, trucks, 4 wheelers etc
Protects your company and it’s directors for their actions and responsibilities in running a company. This includes statutory fines, workplace harassment claims and more.
Questions people ask us most about Crop Insurance!
The cost of crop insurance in Australia depends on a number of factors including the type of crop, your location, the size of your crop etc. Connected Insurance are experts in Farm Insurance. Contact us to arrange a meeting!
Insurance cover is available for most crops in Australia. This includes grain crops, fruit and vegetables, sugarcane, cotton and rice. The cover available depends on the type of crop you need to insure. Contact us now for a quote!
Complete Life Insurance Pty Ltd T/A Connected Insurance (CAR 341793 | ABN 99 516 321 572) is a Corporate Authorised representative of Community Broker Network Pty Ltd | AFSL 233750 | ACN 096 916 184
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